Breakfast Vegan

Dried Plum & Walnut Granola

November 30, 2016
Walnut Granola

So, the last day of November is here and tomorrow the Christmas season officially begins! 🙂 (at least for me). 1st December rolls by and I feel all the Christmas decorating, cooking, baking and general merriment can legitimately start. So prepare for some wonderful Christmas recipes in the following weeks.

For today, I have brought you another yummy granola recipe, after my first Chocolate Coconut Granola, which has been a hit with everyone that’s tried it. This Dried Plum & Walnut Granola reminds me of a wonderful strudel-type cake we have in Slovakia, which combines plums with walnuts and it is so so good!

Walnut Granola

These granolas are the such an easy thing to prepare and so quick! In under half an hour, you can have a whole week’s worth of breakfasts ready (or even more if you double or triple the batch). Also, most of that time is spent waiting for the oven to do all the work whilst you dance around the kitchen a little bit or call your Mum for a chat or watch an episode of Friends 🙂

Walnut Granola

The only difference from the Chocolate Granola is that here we add the dried plums and the walnuts a little later, as otherwise they would get burnt.

Look at this wonderful golden goodness!

Walnut Granola

Then, have it with cold or warm milk, over yogurt, over chia pudding or whichever other way you can think of.

Walnut Granola

I’ll see you next week with some Christmas goodies 🙂

Walnut Granola

Dried Plum & Walnut Granola
Serves 4
Delicious chewy and crunchy Dried Plum & Walnut Granola
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Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
25 min
Total Time
30 min
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
25 min
Total Time
30 min
  1. 2 cups oats
  2. 1/4 cup maple syrup (or honey)
  3. 5 tablespoons coconut oil
  4. 1 cup walnuts, chopped
  5. 1/2 cup dried plums, chopped
  1. Preheat the oven to 200ºC.
  2. Mix the oats, maple syrup and coconut oil in a bowl and extend on a large baking sheet.
  3. Bake at 200ºC for 15 minutes or so, then add the walnuts and dried plums and continue baking for another 10 minutes.
  4. Once done, let cool at room temperature and then transfer to a glass jar. It will keep at room temperature for a week or in the freezer for up to a month
A Teaspoon of Sunshine
Walnut Granola






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