Hi everyone and welcome (and since this is my first post, “everyone” most probably means my brother, my friends and my Mum :D). Lovely to see you here…
If you have read my About page, you know I love good food and I hope to bring a little of my love and joy to your kitchen. This blog has been in the making for quite some time (in my head for years), although I never had the courage to say “Let’s go for it!”. The inside voices that tell you you are not good enough, not interesting enough, no one will read it (I’m sure you are quite familiar with yours, unfortunately we can be our own worst critic sometimes) did a good job of keeping me in my comfort zone. Nothing amazing happens there… I’m sure you’ve seen the Instagram quotes 🙂
So I’ve decided to say yes to what makes me happy. Good food, photography and spreading the love✌
This quinoa salad came to me a few weeks ago, when I craved some feta cheese on my salad, but all of the inspiration on the web paired it with beetroot. Since I didn’t have any, I was trying to think of something else sweet that would go well with it and a lovely golden apple staring at me from my fruit bowl was just the right thing. The saltiness and creaminess of the feta goes wonderfully with the crunchiness and sweetness of the apple. Even my brother loved it and he is the-most-difficult-to-please food critic I know.
This is a really light and fresh meal and the preparation is lightning fast. Whilst your quinoa is cooking, which takes about 12 – 15 minutes, you chop up the rest of your ingredients, then throw everything together, crumble some feta on top and you are done!
Apart from being really yummy, this salad is also full of goodness -superhealthy quinoa, good fats from the avocado and a good portion of your five-a-day and greens. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Also, a huge thank you to my fantastic brother Matt for setting me up with this beautiful website and countless hours of IT and design support 😀 You will be repaid in delicious dinners and dogsitting.

- 1/2 cup dry quinoa (1 1/2 cooked)
- 1 cup cucumber, chopped
- 1 cup apple, peeled and chopped (use a sweet variety)
- 1 cup spinach, shredded
- 1 avocado, chopped
- 1 cup feta cheese
- 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice
- pinch of salt
- dash of black pepper
- Start by rinsing your quinoa under running water, it can sometime have a bitter taste to it if you don't rinse beforehand. Place in a pot, cover with boiling water and cook for 12 - 15 minutes (you know when it's done once the centres of each grain have turned translucent).
- Whilst your quinoa is cooking, peel and chop your cucumber, apple, avocado and spinach. Place all in a large bowl and add the quinoa once it's cooked. Season with the salt and pepper and add the lemon juice.
- Mix well and divide between plates. Crumble a generous amount of feta cheese on top and enjoy!
Gratulujem Lucka, držím palce a prajem Ti veľa návštevníkov, ktorí si radi prídu na Tvoj blog nielen oddýchnuť, ale aj po recept na chutné jedlo. Len tak ďalej. Mama.
Dakujem maminka 🙂
Lucia, milujem stránku Tvojej mamy. A verím, že aj Ty budeš taká ako ona. Máš to dobre našliapnuté! Drž sa, nepoľavuj, var, fotografuj, píš a………miluj. Jana
Dakujem Janka, mama mi je najvacsim prikladom cloveka akym sa snazim byt. Som vdacna za tvoju navstevu aj za povzbudenie 🙂